N O R T H - E A S T - W E S T - S O U T H

"There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily."
~ George Washington







READ: Michelle Malkin » Biden: Tea Party stopped us from growing the economy

President… you still have these to campaign on — good luck:






As for charges of obstructionism, it doesn’t seem there’s been a problem working around that:
As for Obama’s budget proposal, the Tea Party has indeed been obstructing its passage. Well, the Tea Party members along with everybody else.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Soak the Rich-The Web App

On the surface it seems like liberals are innumerate, given than even confiscating the entire net worth of the top 1 percent will barely make a dent in the immense level of debt the nation is piling up.  That’s when you realize the liberal kvetching about the 1 percent and “fairness” isn’t really about fiscal rectitude at all; it’s about envy and resentment of the rich.  My pal Jim Piereson calls it “punitive liberalism.”
Now there’s a web app called “Soak the Rich” where you can play the game for yourself.  Click on the industries where you’d like to see the industry’s taxes doubled, and the CEO’s pay taxed at 100%, and see how little it does to reduce the deficit.

 From: Michelle Malkin

Pelosi to Republicans: Come to Work and Help Us Fix the Results of Bush’s Failed Policies!

By Doug Powers  •  January 6, 2012 02:34 PM

Nothing new here, but it’s good to know that to try to win back the gavel in 2012, Nancy Pelosi plans to employ the same strategy that cost her the gavel in 2010:
“I simply will not have us engage in a this, that, last August, 10 years ago. This is about here and now, and the highly unusual circumstance that we are in because the Republican failed policies, economic policies, of President George Bush took us to a financial meltdown, took us into near-depression, took us into deep deficits that we still have to deal with. Are they just too tired to come to work? I hope not.”
Pelosi’s excuses are like Nick at Nite’s primetime schedule… nothing but reruns:
On January 6th, 2012 at 3:55 pm, ITookTheRedPill said:
To win the House and Senate in the 2006 elections, here’s what Pelosi and the Democrats (rightfully) criticized:
Fiscal Year End Date, Majority Party, Increase in Debt (i.e. Annual Deficit)
9/30/2006 Republican majority $574 Billion ($0.574 Trillion)
9/30/2005 Republican majority $554 Billion ($0.554 Trillion)
9/30/2004 Republican majority $596 Billion ($0.596 Trillion)
9/30/2003 Republican majority $555 Billion ($0.555 Trillion)
Those are the four years to which Nancy Pelosi was referring when she authored her 2006 “New Direction for America”.
Here’s what Pelosi promised:
With integrity, civility and fiscal discipline, our New Direction for America will use commonsense principles to address the aspirations and fulfill the hopes and dreams of all Americans. That is our promise to the American people.

Our federal budget should be a statement of our national values. One of those values is responsibility. Democrats are committed to ending years of irresponsible budget policies that have produced historic deficits. Instead of piling trillions of dollars of debt onto our children and grandchildren, we will restore “Pay As You Go” budget discipline.
Budget discipline has been abandoned by the Bush Administration and its Republican congressional majorities. Congress under Republican control has turned a projected $5.6 trillion 10-year surplus at the end of the Clinton years into a nearly $3 trillion deficit– including the four worst deficits in the history of America. The nation’s debt ceiling has been raised four times in just five years to more than $8.9 trillion. Nearly half of our nation’s record debt is owned by foreign countries including China and Japan. Without a return to fiscal discipline, the foreign countries that make our computers, our clothing and our toys will soon be making our foreign policy. Deficit spending is not just a fiscal problem – it’s a national security issue as well.
Our New Direction is committed to “Pay As You Go” budgeting – no more deficit spending.
Again, here is what Pelosi and the Democrats promised in 2006:
Instead of piling trillions of dollars of debt onto our children and grandchildren, we will restore “Pay As You Go” budget discipline
Our New Direction is committed to “Pay As You Go” budgeting – no more deficit spending.
Here’s what Pelosi produced in Fiscal Years 2008 – 2011:
Fiscal Year End Date, Majority Party, Increase in Debt (i.e. Annual Deficit)
9/30/2011 Democrat majority $1,229 Billion ($1.229 Trillion)
9/30/2010 Democrat majority $1,652 Billion ($1.652 Trillion)
9/30/2009 Democrat majority $1,885 Billion ($1.885 Trillion)
9/30/2008 Democrat majority $1,017 Billion ($1.017 Trillion)
They criticized “piling trillions of dollars of debt onto our children and grandchildren”.
They promised “no more deficit spending” in order to win control of Congress, but then went on to produce the four worst deficits in the history of America.
They produced deficits that were more than 2.5 times the size of the deficits they had criticized. They didn’t keep their promise to end deficit spending… no, they more than doubled deficit spending!
The four deficits that Pelosi criticized totaled $2.279 Trillion.
The four deficits that Pelosi produced totaled $5.783 Trillion.
The four worst deficits in the history of America now belong to the Democrats, and are over 2.5 times the size of the previous four worst deficits under Republican majorities.
Let’s talk about:
“Pelosi’s failed policies”,
“Reid’s failed policies”,
“Obama’s failed policies”,
“All Democrat[ic Socialist]s’ failed policies”…